Sunday, September 03, 2006

a little sad....

Well...I spent the past few days feeling blah! Nauseated. I thought for sure I was pregnant. However...much too my surprise, I work up this morning to find out No! I'm not pregnant. In fact, instead of being late....I was early. Ugh!! Oh by the way...I was right my hubby didn't know I stopped bcp. Apparently when I messed up on them a few months ago and he told me to stop taking them, he meant that pack...not permanently. He knows now. So I guess it's good not to be pregnant without him expecting. I am still sad though. Now I have a we stop trying and wait until I'm sure to avoid a June-July baby? My daughters due date for a long time was the day after my sons birthday....that was hard. I do not want to go through that again. Though both were born early, by a few weeks. So we may be ok to try this month...then skip the next. Anyway...other than that things have been ok. Went to a wedding last night. My two year old daugher is a dancing queen! She enjoyed herself. When we were waiting for the wedding to start the pianist played this song that we played on my sons crib mobile all the time though, so I almost cried. Then at the reception one of the older ladies came up to me, and told me how she prayed for me, and she knew that God wouldn't leave my arms empty long. So I almost cried again. I miss that little boy. I know he's with me. I talk to him all the time. I don't let my hubby know that either . He knows I kiss Baby Dan's picture good night and tell him Mommy loves him though. Well, I better go round them's bath time. Take care.

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