Monday, March 19, 2007

Is it Spring yet??

I am definitely ready for spring! Just when I thought it was going to start getting warmer out, we end up with 7 inches of snow on Friday! Oh well, it should all melt quickly.

I think I'm about done buying baby clothes for the new little one. Still have a few odds and ends to get. We have to get a new crib mattress...and need to sit the crib up, but have some rearranging to do first. My daughter is really warming up to the idea of a baby brother. I hope she does well with him. She is so spoiled I do worry about how she'll be when he is here.

We have to put carpet down in our former computer make a playroom. Because the kids will be sharing a room for now..I need to move some of the toys from my daughters room to the "playroom". Though the baby will be in our room with us for a I need to get rid of one of my dressers.

I feel like theres so much to do...but I'm sure it will be ok. I just keep praying for a healthy son. I cannot imagine having to go though what we did before. I think I'd have to be locked up in a mental hospital.

Well, I may try and nap while my daughter is napping. Probably nod off during my soaps!! Hope everyone is well.

1 comment:

Kendra's mom said...

Hi there. Please keep us posted about the new baby. Can't wait to hear about him. And try not to worry too much. My friend had a Mitochondrial disorder baby and then went on to have a perfectly healthy little girl. Wishing you all the luck in the world.